Harnessing the power of the sun

The Earth cannot sustain 2 suns. Just as Asia cannot sustain 2 kings - Alexander the Great

So I’m really into the sun. To me, the sun is absolute bliss and paradise!

Where is considered the sun as a metaphor, infinite resources power. The Earth is worth a quadrillion Bajillion trillion dollars times infinity.

The sun never tires

Another interesting thing… Without fail, the son has presented herself to us for like the last hundred trillion years.

Even the days in which we cannot directly see the sun, it is still there… It is simply just being obfuscated by clouds and the like. But it is still there!

So recently, what has become interesting is that Seneca at the age of four years old, is really living up to his namesake; becoming the ultimate philosopher. He’s been asking me a lot about why things are the way they are. Like why does the sun come up why does it go down etc.

So the explanation I’ve been giving him thus far is that gravity is the thing that holds the universe together, and the sun is just simply in the center, and earth keeps rotating around the sun, so as a consequence, the sun is always there, simply the difference is when it gets exposure and when it does not get exposure.

And to me this becomes interesting because once again, the sun is always there. And it will never stop.

How can we harness the power of the sun?

So a simple idea I have is just never go in the shade. Whenever whenever, always being in the sun doing stuff!

Even now, as I’m getting early Headstart on my taxes, I’ve been just using TurboTax mobile on both my iPad and my iPhone, and doing the taxes while I am walking outside in the direct sun! In fact, I almost feel like this is the best way to do any sort of work; to be indoors, to me as always miserable. Being indoors only for sick people or when you’re sleeping.