Mecha BREAK Global Storm Open Beta Preview Released

Ahead of Mecha BREAK’s “Global Storm” Open Beta Test on Sunday, February 23, developer and publisher Amazing Seasun Games released a 23-minute preview featuring CEO and Executive Producer Kris.

This preview video provides an overview of Mecha BREAK’s Open Beta and how players will be able to live up to its tagline of “blitz, brawl, blaze.” 

Highlights include new gameplay mechanics, the new PvPvE mode, new customization options, our esports invitational, and a poseable model for the Falcon Striker (pretty cool, right?).

Be sure to check out the Mecha BREAK Global Storm Open Beta preview below:

Mecha BREAK – Global Storm Open Beta Preview

Available to all players on PC and Xbox Series X|S, the “Global Storm” Open Beta Test for Mecha BREAK is set to begin February 23 at 10:00am UTC, complete with crossplay. 

In case you missed it, be sure to check out the announcment trailer below:

Mecha BREAK – Mashmak & Open Beta Announce

One can wishlist Mecha BREAK via the official Steam page and Xbox Store page.