Seek lower lows, higher highs?
Why I’m so zen
Relaxation versus stimulus?
Seeking more stimulus
So there are tends to be two cities; on one hand, people seek relaxation, to essentially become comatose. Like think about all these drugs which are downers, marijuana weed, alcohol etc. Note that most downers are legal, whereas most uppers are illegal. For example, marijuana And alcohol are A-OK, yet cocaine and the like are illegal. With the exception of coffee and caffeine. 
Certainly there is a logical sleep wake cycle here, Which means, during the day you want to maximum stimulus and stimuli, and in the evenings, you probably want deep relaxation to sleep well.
So I suppose then the undulation here is you don’t want to have it opposite; you don’t want to be stimulated before you sleep, nor do you want to be too relaxed during the day.
So I think the first thought is during the day, sick the maximum stimulus, the maximum stimuli. What that means is seek environments places and things etc., which wake you up!
A funny thought I have about media, the news etc.… When is the best time to consume stimulating media? First thing in the morning!
In fact I have a funny story of one of Cindy‘s colleague friends, an assistant professor who said hilariously, what is the best time to watch Netflix? Upon waking up: “ I watch Netflix the moment I wake up!”
So the timing here is certainly critical.
Some things which are tricky; honestly it looks like 99.9% of societies employed by some sort of employer, which means their whole life, work sleep cycle is dictated by a foreign entity.
For example, if you ever have to wake up at a certain, preordain time, to either commute to work, or even get out of your pajamas, and hop on a Zoom call at arbitrary moments during the day or in the morning, you are not 100% free.
A funny thing about being in Asia Hong Kong, even Vietnam and being back in LA; it seems like we are making the worst trade-off here:
First, I don’t know a single human being, or even child who likes being stuck in traffic or waiting. And actually similarly speaking, the torture and the prisoner feeling of having to sit on your butt, against your own will.
If anything, one of the biggest benefits I’ve discovered riding the bus or riding the metro is you can stand! After a long 16 hour flight from LA to Asia and back, even when you fall asleep sitting, it is insanely painful for your back, I just want to stand up and move around! Actually one of the biggest travel flights I have now is that whenever possible, always stand unless you’re sleeping.
What that means is stand in the back, hang out with the airline attendance, or just drink a lot of water to force yourself to get up and pee a lot. And when you’re standing, watch movies on your iPhone or iPad, play games, read books, etc. The rule is simple; try to stand and walk around the cabin as much as humanly possible.
The other day also I did a quick commute to Orange County and back, the drive there was about an hour, the next destination was about 30 minutes, and the drive home was about another hour, no traffic. Yet that is still about 2 1/2 hours, sitting in a car. Even assuming that you have 100% self driving car, nobody wants to be sit on their bum that long!
Issues here is that when you’re sitting, which might be the most unnatural position of all time, your metabolism shuts down. And when your metabolism shuts down, I think similarly your brain also shuts off.
What separates humans from the beasts? For the most part we’re kind of the most intelligent by iPad, standing walking animal. I can personally attest I am happiest when I am a BiPAP, standing on two legs, walking around etc.
Also, my best thoughts come to me while I am standing and walking around outside, another big heck I’ve pioneer is just walking around with my iPad Pro, voice dictating everything into iA Writer like I am doing now, and like I’ve been doing almost the last three years? I literally haven’t opened up my laptop in about two years unless something absolutely a critical with my FTP file server or something. Moving forward into the future, it is either iPhone or iPad, no laptop.
Also, now that ChatGPT is developing so quickly and well, I just saw that the new o3 version is out, but that then means is  there really seems to be no reason for us to be sedentary, or even static as a static standing table. Even in some ways walking standing desk treadmill is a bit bizarre because you cannot move omnidirectional.