How To Start Powerlifting

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Powerlifting is a sport that’s been around for a long time. It is growing in popularity due to its simplicity and the fact that it in Raw it releatively doesn’t require much equipment. Powerlifting is a strength-based sport that involves three lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. The goal of powerlifting is to lift the most amount of weight possible while maintaining proper form in each lift.

Powerlifting can be done either competitively or recreationally (or both). If you’re interested in how to start, read on! 

Why should you start powerlifting?

There are many benefits of powerlifting for beginners. It’s a great way to build muscle and get stronger quickly because using heavy weights causes your body to work harder than it would with lighter weights. Plus, it can help improve your posture and prevent injuries in everyday life, since it’s a type of strength training that focuses on all the major muscle groups. Additionally, this sport is a great way to improve your self-confidence and manage stress levels. 

Learn the basics

The powerlifting movements are the three exercises that comprise this sport: the squat, bench press and deadlift.

The squat is an exercise that works your lower body by bending your knees and going through a deep bend with good technique. The bench press works your upper body by pressing weight off of your chest after lying down on a flat surface (the bench). The deadlift is an exercise that targets both your lower and upper body by lifting weights off the floor while keeping good posture and technique throughout the movement.

The squat, bench press and deadlift are often used as a way to measure your strength as a powerlifter. These exercises are commonly used in competitions where athletes compete against each other for bragging rights on who can do the most reps with the heaviest weight possible.

If you’re just starting out and want to learn the technique of these exercises, it’s best to find a qualified coach or trainer who can help you perfect them. If you don’t know where to start, check out your local gym or find classes that teach weightlifting.

Join a gym

While you could technically do bodyweight exercises at home, it’s not the same as having access to equipment. You need to be able to use free weights and machines at a gym if you are serious about powerlifting. It’s also important that the gym has a coach who can help you make sure your form is correct and help guide your training program.

If you don’t have access to a gym, there are plenty of bodyweight exercises you can do that will help build strength for powerlifting. For example, pushups and pullups are both great for building up your chest and back muscles so that you can lift more weight when it’s time to deadlift.

Keep a training log and track your progress

A training  log is a document that contains information about your workouts. A training log can be helpful for many reasons, including:

  • You can use it to track your progress and see how much you’ve improved over time
  • You can use it to find out which exercises and reps are most effective for building strength in particular muscle groups
  • It helps motivate you by showing how much progress you’ve made since starting powerlifting.

Keep in mind that there’s no ‘’right’’ way to keep a training log – you just need what works best for your own circumstances. For example, some people like using spreadsheets or mobile apps while others prefer writing things down by hand with pen and paper. 

Eat, eat, eat 

As a powerlifter, you’re going to need to eat. A lot. The more muscular you become, the more energy you’ll need to fuel your workouts and recover from them. Think of food as fuel for your body—you should eat enough calories every day so that your body has what it needs to grow muscle at an optimal rate.

For example: if someone tells you that they want to lose weight but don’t have time for exercise or meal prep because they’re too busy working and taking care of their family, then that person probably isn’t going to be able to lose weight effectively.

So how many calories should you consume per day? That depends on many factors (your age, gender) but for most people who are looking into starting powerlifting training as a beginner level athlete it’s recommended to eat between 2-3 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight each day (or 1-1/2 grams per pound). If you’re brand new then stick with the lower end while gradually increasing over time until reaching 6g/kg/bw which is recommended by the International Powerlifting Federation (IPF).

Take recovery and mobility seriously

Recovery and mobility are two things that you should take seriously as a powerlifter. A lot of people don’t talk about it, but it’s one of the most important things for lifters to focus on.

Let’s start with recovery. Recovery is necessary for growth, especially to those who lift heavy weights or do high volume training programs like 5x5s or 10x3s. Without proper sleep and nutrition, your body won’t have enough energy to recover from hard sessions in the gym and grow stronger.

As far as mobility goes, good flexibility and muscle balance will help prevent injuries while lifting heavy weights. It’ll also help you perform better overall by allowing you to move more efficiently through ranges of motion (ROM) when performing exercises like squats or deadlifts. So if you’re looking to get bigger and stronger, make sure you’re getting enough sleep and are eating a healthy diet. 

If you want to get serious about powerlifting, hire a coach to write a program for you and follow it to the letter.

If you want to get serious about powerlifting, hire a coach. A coach will help you avoid injuries and progress faster. You’ll learn from someone who knows what they’re doing and has experience working with people of all ages and levels of fitness.

A good coach can also help with nutrition, recovery, mobility, and other aspects of training that aren’t as easy for beginners to figure out on their own. Finally, having someone to keep you motivated when it gets hard and discouraging will make your training much more effective!


If you’re looking to get started in powerlifting, these tips should put you on the right track. Remember to focus on the basics, keep track of your progress, and find a coach who can help you along the way. Nutrition and recovery are also key components of any successful powerlifting journey – make sure you’re taking care of your body both inside and outside of the gym. With some dedication and hard work, you’ll be hitting PBs in no time!

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