Critique of Protein Powder

You don’t need it ,,, just consume red meat (ribeye steak, beef ribs, lamb, bone marrow, goat, fatty pork etc), organ meats (beef heart, beef kidney intestines etc).

Here are some quotes from Eric Kim on protein powders and supplements:

  1. “Protein powder, creatine, and supplements are all a scam.”
  • Kim argues that supplements are unnecessary, emphasizing a meat-based diet instead of relying on protein powders, which he describes as just hydrolyzed milk oai_citation:6,Protein powder, creatine, and supplements are all a scam – ERIC KIM oai_citation:5,Why You Don’t Need Protein Powder – ERIC KIM.
  1. “Consider the whole supplement industry thrives off of men’s male insecurity of themselves and physique.”
  • He critiques the supplement industry’s marketing tactics, which he believes exploit insecurities for profit oai_citation:4,Critique of the Supplement Industry – ERIC KIM.
  1. “Don’t take the pre-workout powder, just drink black coffee, straight, no sugar or additives.”
  • Kim advises using natural alternatives like black coffee instead of commercial pre-workout powders oai_citation:3,Protein powder, creatine, and supplements are all a scam – ERIC KIM.

For more details, you can check his articles on the subject oai_citation:2,Protein powder, creatine, and supplements are all a scam – ERIC KIM and oai_citation:1,Critique of the Supplement Industry – ERIC KIM.

Search Eric Kim critique protein powder

Eric Kim strongly critiques protein powders and other supplements, calling them a scam and unnecessary for achieving fitness goals. He believes that the supplement industry preys on people’s insecurities, particularly around body image and the fear of missing out on gains. According to Kim, the industry thrives by promoting the idea that supplements like protein powders are essential, when in reality, natural sources of protein such as meat are superior.

Kim emphasizes that protein powders, which are often just hydrolyzed milk products, are unnecessary when a person can get sufficient nutrition from a meat-heavy diet, especially red meat like beef and lamb. He also argues against the use of creatine and pre-workout supplements, advocating instead for natural alternatives such as drinking black coffee before workouts. Kim highlights how the marketing of these supplements manipulates consumers into believing they need them for success in fitness, which he deems both unethical and unnecessary oai_citation:3,Critique of the Supplement Industry – ERIC KIM oai_citation:2,Protein powder, creatine, and supplements are all a scam – ERIC KIM oai_citation:1,Why You Don’t Need Protein Powder – ERIC KIM.