This September at Asheville Yoga Center, we turn our focus to “Honoring the Elements.” In yogic tradition, there are five main elements: Earth, Air, Water, Fire, and Space. Each carries its own unique qualities, yet they work in harmony to form the building blocks of the Universe. We too are composed of these elements, intertwined with the oneness of all existence.
Just as water cascades down a mountain, we can approach our circumstances with fluidity. We can face each day with the groundedness of Earth or navigate new emotions with the lightness and nonattachment of Air. Since the beginning of time, the planet has whispered wisdom through the elements.
As our world advances, it becomes increasingly easy to ignore our connection to the Earth. In 2022, I spent 6 months hiking 2,200 miles along the Appalachian Trail. Despite my conditioning to live as a domestic human, I found I could still tap into my wildness. As I sweat out the chemicals built up in my body, I noticed a shift: animals no longer ran from my footsteps, and I could detect even the slightest changes in the air. You are still an animal, an integral part of Mother Earth’s web.
This month, I encourage you to pay close attention to the wilderness. Where do you see aspects of yourself in nature? Are you drawn to the wind, or the vast expanse of stars at night? Elemental imbalances often lead to disease in the mind and body. Pay close attention to where your “self” is struggling, and be curious about how this could connect to the elements. Regardless of your experience with yoga, we can all benefit from a deeper awareness of the balance of our inner universe.
Characteristics of the Elements
Earth (Prithvi)
To invite earthiness, go on a barefoot walk, explore the woods, or lay on the ground.
Yoga Poses: Tadasana, Malasana Squats, Savasana
Water (Jala or Apas)
To connect with your inner water, try dancing, sleeping to the sounds of the ocean, or going for a swim in cooler water.
Yoga Poses for the Water Element: Pigeon Pose, Baddha Konasana, or any of your favorite hip openers.
Fire (Agni)
For igniting fire in your life, do a cardio workout, go to the sauna, practice candle gazing.
Yoga Poses: Crow, Wheel, Bow
Air (Vayu)
To bring in air, practice pranayama, sing, or watch how the wind moves through your surroundings.
Yoga Poses: Upward Facing Dog, bridge, Cobra
Space (Akasha)
To make space, try meditating, laying out in the sun, or listen to some healing frequencies.
Yoga Poses: Cow, Fish, Triangle
Additional Resources
To learn more about how these elements play within yourself, I highly recommend taking this Dosha Quiz :
Chloe is from Charlotte, NC and is new to the world of yoga. She completed her first 200 hr Teacher Training Certification in May of 2023, and taught for 7 months afterwards. In October of 2023, she helped organize and lead an Elemental-Themed Yoga Retreat in the mountains of NC. She now works as a marketing Intern for Asheville Yoga Center.
Aside from yoga, Chloe is very passionate about the outdoors. In 2022 (at age 18), she spent 6 months thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail solo. She is currently in school for Conservation Biology, and believes that her spirituality and work in conservation are highly intersectional.
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