Selling large size gloves versus medium size gloves?

I suppose the great difficulty with clothing businesses is you have to produce all these different sites, what do you do to products which do not sell an extra extra small or extra extra large?

Not every single glove fits every single hand, nor does every single spectacles fit every single man

The good thing with Cypher or digital goods is that they could be sold all across the planet and the universe? With no friction?

Maybe the next grade innovation will be like an Amazon, but only with cyber, digital goods? Bitcoin-based, or Satoshi based?

economic sacrifices

Recover, recovered


Only read books while you’re standing or walking?


Expand popular interest?


Photography ,, all of it

Time periods — issue with trying to sell winter clothes versus summer clothes

Clothing is not a good business? Because you’re too dependent on the weather and seasons?

Bitcoin is great, irregardless of the weather or this season!

Prime condition for slaughter


Sustainable businesses

Good Businesses, Bad Businesses

Good businesses are digital; that exist on the Internet, you don’t have to pay rent, storage fees, monthly building mortgage payments, land leases etc.

For example, when I was starting off, in street photography… Started my blog etc.… Even up until now my server fee for my blog might be about 100 bucks, 200 bucks a month. But compare this to having to sign a lease on the building in which you are being held into the property, and you have to pay that lease indefinitely! Seems like a poor idea.

I think in the world of finance, art, there is this romanticization of the Parisian artist, with his private studio, his private bookstore or café… Etc. They should hear is a scale ability issue, and also, issue that you have to attend to the property!

For example, the problem is in regards to having to be there, maintain the toilets, etc.

For a moment, I was considering opening out my own gym, but then I realized, the headache of having to always be there, or higher staff, maintain the toiletsetc. A trillion headaches.