OK, some random thoughts:
Time for me to go to war on these assholes, acting all tough in their cars, asshole smokers in public etc.
Here is where ChatGPT really shines; its ability to quickly navigate thousands of pages of legal law, to find city ordinances, and laws in regards to smoking, smoking in public areas etc.
First, to evoke NASSIM TALEB, skin in the game, the general ethical idea is that laws are feeble, ethics are robust. It is very easy to gain legal laws, city ordinances etc.… typically for profit. 
Anyways, I’ve been thinking a lot about the ethics or the politics of smoking; first and foremost, I grew up, with my dad being a very very heavy smoker, and I think cigarette smoke might be one of my most hated things on the planet. I hate it 1 trillion times more than even politics. 
I think the primary ethical issue here is that it is nonconsensual exposure. For example, if I’m out walking in public, walking in the streets, by myself or with Seneca… I do not want to smell any secondhand smoke.
What some of these assholes try to do is that they tried to smoke in a corner, or really far away… Not thinking that in fact, secondhand smoke especially if you’re downwind from it, could almost travel up to one or two city blocks.
Now that I am the king of Culver City, the primary issue here is that whenever I randomly see people smoking on the sidewalk, crossing the street, in a corner,  at the intersection of a public street, etc.… Sometimes I don’t act quickly enough, or say anything quickly enough, because I think to myself:
Well —  it seems like I won’t be exposed to their smoke because they seem far away… Or maybe the wind is blowing the opposite direction?
But then… When I walked down a block or two… And I instantly smelled the smoke, I immediately get a headache, feel pain and become infuriated… And I am not willing to backtrack a block, once again smelling the secondhand smoke again, to tell them to stop.
OK, if you want to smoke in the comfort of your own home, inside your bedroom, give yourself cancer etc– so be it,,, but, the second you step outside your home, there becomes some ethical dilemmas for you.
Even a new new one; there are no robust laws which prevent people from smoking in their outdoor patio in multi level apartment complexes etc.
Because let us say that you’re addicted to smoking cigarettes, or even if you’re addicted to smoking marijuana, do you think that your secondhand smoke when you smoke on your patio doesn’t affect others… But it does.
Even another nuance; when you’re out in public, driving your car, and smoking with your windows down, assuming that I have my windows down, your secondhand smoke could come into my car!
Sometimes what I’ll do is just roll up the windows and turn on the air conditioning, because I don’t want to pick a fight. But then again… If I prefer to have my windows down, to get a fresh breeze, and your smoking with your windows down… Why should I have to roll up my windows, because you are polluting the communal air?
I think for a very very long time, I would just take it, I would just take it up the ass like a ventriloquist (Ye). But now… Now that I have Seneca, a young child, things change. Both when I am actually with him, walking with him in public, we’re also, when I’m just by myself…
Now I’m starting to think, to evoke children is unethical.  For example, to tell these asshole smokers in public to not smoke cigarettes because there are children around, or that it is “bad for the kids“… It is typically poor manners. Why? Because if you think it from the kids perspective… Technically you’re blaming the kids… Or the kids end up feeling guilty and culpable?
Obviously smoking is bad for kids, secondhand smoke is bad for kids… But these asshole smokers do it anyway, thinking that they could get away with it, or thinking that they are far enough that they are not harming anyone. But once again, the laws of physics and the wind, Even here in Culver City, because we are relatively close to Venice and the beach, we actually get a really nice breeze! And especially when you are in public areas, if I could smell the smell of smoke, I perk up like a wolf immediately, or even marijuana.
If something is ethically wrong in the pit of your soul, you must stand up, speak out, even if you’re the asshole, even if you’re the bully, even if you are the unreasonable one.
Now, I think all smokers secretly know what they are doing is bad and shameful. And they should. Yet,,, once again, the average citizen never says anything, I’m starting to think that Angelino’s are a bunch of cowards and pussies.  The problem with the modern day American man is that he is a passive aggressive coward, who never says something to your face,  but instead, bitches and moans in private, on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram, or complaints to friends and family and other people behind closed doors over dinner conversations.
Now, I’m just gonna think that I am a navy seal officer, I am a ranger, Delta force, that I am the mayor, the Supreme Court judge, the CHP, the police.
WE are taught all the stuff in k-12 education about Rosa Parks, refusing to stand up at the back of the bus whatever, but why is it that the modern day man is so cowardly?
I found out recently… I’m actually really good at yelling at other men, and being an asshole to other men… But when I see women who are as asshole drivers, who honk at me from behind for not moving half a millisecond forward, or even worse… when I was in a parking lot complex, and some asshole lady in a AMG wagon honk at me from behind because I’m simply trying to find a parking spot… Or even the other day I saw a lady smoking cigarette while crossing the public sidewalk street, … why do I hesitate to tell off women?
I suppose the issues here is that men are taught to treat women with more respect, to not be aggressive towards women etc. Typically I think this is good, but once again, when it comes to the public good, like smoking, or the public roads… This should not be tolerated.
> Zero tolerance
People often talk about  politics in the realm of the ephemeral digital world, of Donald Trump and international politics and international politics in the light. I find this very cowardly and superficial.
What is more critical here is to talk about politics every day life. For example, once again, face-to-face, flesh to flesh human interactions.
I’m starting to think the reason why people are such assholes wouldn’t come to cars is this asymmetry of power;
When somebody honk at you from behind, you cannot honk back because your horn is facing forward, there is no such thing as a backwards facing horn.
A simple suggestion could be installing a horn on your trunk which faces the opposite way, in which if some asshole honks at you from behind, you could honk back. 
Every automobile car is legally required to have a horn, and the purpose of a horn in a car is to prevent potential accidents. You only honk when it is a life or death situation, or when there might be an incoming accident. The purpose of a horn or to honk at somebody isn’t to tell them to hurry up when they are not moving in traffic. Simple suggestions; if a car in front of you is not moving, even when the light turns green… Just wait a few seconds! Who knows if that person simply has a kid in the car seat behind them, and the kid is asking them for food or something!
Here, those stickers that say kid on board is useful… But aesthetically I don’t want to put that sticker on the back of my automobile, because I find it unaesthetic.  But once again, there is an asymmetry here in which if somebody behind you doesn’t know that you have a kid on board, they might be more likely to be an asshole, but most people lack them or the knowledge that there are some people who drive cars who have kids on board, And therefore, when people aggressively drive behind you, cut you off without turning on their signal, I’m starting to think that we have to educate them.
When you observe dangerous behavior on the road, a simple thing you could do is highbeam them, either you could blink it twice, or just go behind them and blast your highbeams at full at them, to inform them that they did something wrong.  I personally do not believe in honking, because even I am sensitive to the sound of honking even if the honking is coming from my car.
Perhaps a simple weapon that we could put on our cars are those really really extremely bright LED high beams, you could just get them on Amazon for 30 bucks. And they are so bright that even in the Los Angeles sunlight, it reaches the eyeballs of the perpetrator.
The primary issue with road rage, is that it is passive aggressive. Let us realize that when you are driving a car, and you get road rage or aggressive on the road, you have a 3000 pound silver bullet. Not only can you kill yourself and your passengers on board, you could also kill other people on the road, their kids etc.
Once again, the false ethical thought that people have in regards to these crazy drivers is that they could kill themselves. But once again if they are driving on a public road, and there is at least one or two other cars around them… In theory they could cause a multi car accident, which could indirectly or directly harm you and your kid on board! This is starting to get so bad that I am even considering that by the time Seneca gets into school… Getting a part-time job as a California highway police officer, to start to serve justice,? Or at least become accredited to become a cop?  well at least become some sort of petty officer, or reserve officer somewhere in the American military? To At least get some sort of higher clearance,  or authority, or badge?
Think about it… If you were a California highway police officer, or even a cop, in your driving around in a cop car with some asshole honk at you from behind to hurry up? No! They will not dare to. So what makes these assholes think that they could bully the average civilian?
Another random solution I have is installing those super bright LED light bars, in the back of your car, to prevent assholes from tailgating you, or as a form of punishment you could just turn them on the second that people start honking at you from behind.
A random thought; you had one of those massive lifted trucks, a cyber truck, or a car that has spikes from behind, or some car that looks beautiful… Would it prevent people from tailgate, or honking at you like an asshole? Uncertain.
Certainly if you drove a tank on the streets, people would probably not honk at you from behind to hurry up. And also, if you’re walking around town with your 60 pound weight vest on… You’re kind of look like SWAT team, and I found that when people are on the streets and they see you with your 60 pound weight vest on, they either assume that you’re security, or that you have a bomb strapped to your chest. 
Regardless, when I do have my 60 pound weight vest strapped to my chest… It does make me feel tougher, stronger, more confident more brazen, and when I tell people off… I feel zero hesitation. Why? Two things, first, if I have my 60 pound weight vest on… It might be able to Prevent penetration even from a Glock pistol? 
Even I was chatting with a Culver City police officer, LAPD officer, and even they saw me with my weight vest and was impressed… And they told me that their bulletproof vest was around 20 pounds.
Also, I would certainly probably win in a fistfight, because I think anybody if they attempted to punch me with my weight vest on, they would definitely fracture their hand or fist. 
I suppose the difficulty is that it is easier for me to wear my 60 pound weight vest, walking around town by myself, but it becomes a little bit more difficult when I am with Seneca.
One of the great things about being Culver City, is that I really do have a strong sense of ownership here, I feel like a valued member of the community, I know everybody here, and I suppose when I am the greater Los Angeles area, I might be a little bit more hesitant to tell people in public not to smoke whatever… But certainly here in Culver City I have zero qualms.
Once again with these asshole smokers, the cowardly thing to do is when you see somebody smoking in public is to simply take you and your kid, and try to go away. The problem is even when you are trying to retreat or run away from the smoker, The draft from a block or two down from there smoking your lungs, and the lungs of your kid!
Another thought: typically, if you see somebody smoking somewhere, they typically have their pre-designated smoking spots. What they do is they always come back to a certain spot, typically in a public place, and then they indignantly light up their cigarettes.
So I suppose the benefit of telling somebody off, to not smoke in public, or telling them not to smoke in our city, is that you might prevent them from future smoking in public, and I wonder… How much of trying to stop assholes from smoking in public has to deal with you versus other people their kids etc.?
The first thing; I love kids! I love all kids! All kids are pure, genuine, sweet, and adorable. Becoming a new father, I do sense and feel  I general sense of well-being, and affection for all kids, regardless whether they are mine or not. I’m not not sure why, it is just kind of like a gut feeling.
So certainly I do not want other random kids to get secondhand smoking or cancer or lung exposure.
Assuming that we humans are altruistic, and we care for the well-being of others, even other kids who don’t belong to us, if you really did care about humanity the human race altruism… Maybe you should say something.
Certainly trying to tell off every single human being on the planet or in Los Angeles to drive better is not really sustainable. Let us say that you are one human being, and there is 100,000 asshole drivers on the road, you cannot correct everyone.
However, you could create one person, or two people, or three people… This is enough to make a change!