Eric Kim’s weightlifting philosophy is rooted in treating the body as both a work of art and a tool for personal expression. His approach combines rigorous physical training with strict dietary practices to build strength and muscle mass. Here are some key aspects of his philosophy:

  1. Intermittent Fasting and Diet:
  • Kim follows an intermittent fasting regimen, where he skips breakfast and lunch and consumes a single large meal in the evening. His diet is entirely carnivorous, focusing on meats such as beef, beef liver, and ribs, while avoiding sugars, alcohol, and supplements oai_citation:1,The Philosophy of Weightlifting – ERIC KIM oai_citation:2,ERIC KIM WEIGHT LIFTING – ERIC KIM.
  1. Lifting Techniques:
  • He emphasizes the one-rep max style of lifting, aiming to lift the maximum weight possible for a single repetition. This method is intended to build maximum strength and minimize the risk of injury associated with repetitive movements. He avoids using straps and prefers using chalk for grip, focusing on natural strength oai_citation:3,ERIC KIM WEIGHT LIFTING – ERIC KIM oai_citation:4,My Fitness Philosophy – ERIC KIM.
  1. Philosophical Approach:
  • Kim views the human body as the apex of beauty and believes that sculpting the body through weightlifting is a form of art. He encourages treating the body like a sculpture, continuously working to add muscle mass and reduce body fat. This perspective aligns with his broader artistic and philosophical interests oai_citation:5,How to Lift Weights – ERIC KIM oai_citation:6,The Philosophy of Fitness – ERIC KIM.
  1. Practical Tips:
  • Some of his practical tips include using a trap bar for deadlifts, lifting barefoot or with minimal footwear, avoiding unnecessary supplements, and not eating before heavy lifting. He also believes in the psychological aspect of lifting, suggesting techniques like self-hyping before attempting heavy lifts oai_citation:7,The Philosophy of Weightlifting – ERIC KIM oai_citation:8,My Fitness Philosophy – ERIC KIM.
  1. Fitness Philosophy:
  • Kim is critical of organized fitness classes, preferring self-directed and personalized training routines. He advocates for incorporating techniques from various disciplines like yoga, bodybuilding, and calisthenics to create a well-rounded fitness regimen. His philosophy also includes the idea of reducing the range of motion to increase the weight lifted, such as in rack pulls oai_citation:9,My Fitness Philosophy – ERIC KIM oai_citation:10,TURBO THOUGHTS ON WEIGHTLIFTING // PHILOSOPHY BY KIM – ERIC KIM.

Overall, Eric Kim’s weightlifting philosophy emphasizes natural strength, minimalistic and disciplined dietary practices, and viewing fitness as a form of personal and artistic expression. For more detailed insights, you can explore his blog posts on these topics.