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OpenAI claims Elon Musk 'demanded absolute control, and to be CEO' while also agreeing to ditch its non-profit status back in 2017, despite him now suing it for turning decidedly for-profit
'There are lots of tombstones of great tech companies that didn’t reinvent themselves,' says Arm CEO Rene Haas of Intel's recent woes
Don’t do it on iPhone the iPhone sucks!
I'm dumbfounded at the ridiculous designs at the Case Mod World Series this year
Don’t Be a Coward
Borderlands 4: Everything we know about Gearbox's next big FPS
Singer of “Wellerman” Sea Shanty urges Scottish government to support rewilding efforts
Borderlands 4 will cut back on 'toilet humor,' says Gearbox: 'If the word skibidi ships in the game under my watch I'm gonna cry real tears'